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Shiva Siddha

Elixir of love

In a world that is love

Where I and you stand

In which I and you thrive

As blossomed flowers

Can I love you more

Love is an elixir

And so am I

But aren't you too

Believe in yourself

You and your truth await you

Where there is you, there is love

Where the real you, deep within lives

Truth breathes

Dwell in that breath

And the love, the truth shall be yours.

O God, isn't life deceiving as some say,

But then what is life, where are you,

Are you in the right place,

If not, then you will struggle,

You will face the ups and downs,

But you won't know how to go through it,

How to live, experience life,

But don't you worry for there is always a way,

If indeed you have the belief,

And the strength to accept your present reality,

And learn the path forward.

Love awaits you,

And so does the ecstatic experience of life,

Shambhu, Shambhu, Shambhu,

Pranam and Namaste.

Hari Om !

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